Friday, June 9, 2017

Week 36 -- We have begun our final descent

As I’m sure you know, we had an amazing trip last week, and I heartily recommend you take a look at the previous entries to see what we were up to. We’re not taking a break now that we’re back!

First of all, we’ve clearly wanted to reflect on our adventures in Kentucky (and Ohio), so our warm-up on Monday was to draw a comic depicting one (or more!) favorite moment from the trip. (We also spent some time reflecting on the experience in a more hands-on way: Thoroughly cleaning out the bus that we spent so much time in.) The rest of our homeroom time has been spent either finishing up projects (we ordered our final set of biome game cards!), or enjoying the fruits of our labor (we’ve been able to play several rounds of the completed biome games.)

Much better...

We’ve also spent some time looking through our writing portfolios. Students in our group do a lot of writing over the course of the year, which is often done in small increments. I collect dozens of writing responses from them over the year, then periodically hand their entire folders back so they can see just how much they’ve produced. This week, kids are revisiting their old work one last time, selecting pieces to polish and/or share with the group.

The entire 5/6 group also spent part of Thursday composing group poems (in which multiple people are required to recite the piece), then spent part of Friday performing them for Elaine’s class.

In our math group, we’re also winding down, with some students finishing assessments before the summer begins, and others making progress in their Singapore sequence.

Performing this year's greatest hits in Music

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