Thursday, December 19, 2013

Ad project, round two!

We continued our advertising project this morning with a discussion about the science of persuasion and Aristotle's Appeals: ethos, pathos, and logos. 

We watched the following video, pausing frequently to discuss its content:

After that, everyone was sent off with their groups to make a commercial for their new product, this time incorporating what we learned through our class discussion. 

As with yesterday, each group was assigned a fancy Mac Air laptop. Throughout the week, students have been teaching each other how to use iMovie to greater effect, which has led to notable improvements in the quality of video editing. 

A large part of this project has involved the kids teaching themselves how to accomplish certain results, and then sharing that information with others. It's been wonderful to see them collaborating both within and beyond their small groups. You would hardly know that it was the last week before the long break, given how focused and directed they've been these last few days! 

Then, just to shake things up a bit, they went sledding in the afternoon for P.E.  
Signs of the Season...

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