Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Exploring Britton Woods in County Farm Park

For PE this morning, we sprinted/hiked out to the Britton Woods section of County Farm Park (the old Summers-Knoll building is right on the edge of Britton Woods). This is the area that most of us will be targeting for our County Farm Park projects. While there, we looked for things relevant to each of our studies. We were on the prowl for fungus, squirrel nests, invasive species, poison ivy, berries, and more. Margaret and Grayson looked for evidence of ancient glaciers, and Luke tried to determine how water would flow through the area. 

Those studying wildlife got a definite bonus: we spotted a deer in the woods, quickly trotting away from our group. As we've designed our studies, we've been making our peace with the idea that well probably have to settle for recording the evidence of animal life, rather than actually spotting things in the wild. Today was a nice reminder that keeping your eyes open and staying alert can yield rewards! (Sorry, I didn't get a photo.) 

This was just a quick visit to get our blood flowing and our minds active. We'll be spending most of the afternoon Friday in these woods working on our projects in earnest. 

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