Saturday, October 31, 2015

Hodge Podge: Week 8 in review

This was an excellent year for Eco-Fair/Homemade Halloween costumes! 

It is impossible to adequately convey everything that happens each week, which is why a lot of blog posts lately have focused on one aspect of our work. This week, I decided to try to capture a smattering of what happens from day-to-day.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Math: Problem Solvers!

Can you see the patterns emerging?
As mentioned a couple of weeks ago, Singapore Math is the backbone of our Math program. However, we also do whole-group inquiry and instruction in our Math group. One frequent group activity is using story problems to develop and practice new problem-solving strategies. 

One such strategy: Making an organized list.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Math: A Singapore Math primer

Math groups at Summers-Knoll are taught four times a week at 8:55 AM. Almost the entire school (the 7/8s have Math later in the day) has Math at the same time so that kids at different points in math can join math groups that are at an appropriate level. These levels are determined by where each individual student is in their Singapore Math books. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

A quick note about subscribing by email

A technical note: If you've signed up to receive entries of the blog delivered to your email, you might occasionally be missing some content. I just realized that videos that are embedded from Youtube don't show up in the email version. (And in the case of the most recent entry, that means that a lot of the post doesn't make much sense...) 

So you may want to pop over to the actual blog on occasion to check in! 

Have a lovely weekend! 

Greetings from Juna and Eva

Thursday's substitute Music teacher: Jason

Beloved Music teacher Josh is out this week, so I filled in for him on Thursday. Josh's pedagogical gifts and skills are different than my own, so I didn't dare attempt to deliver his curriculum. Instead, we ran our own version of Music class in homeroom. 

The embodiment of Spring works magic in a scene from Fantasia 2000